Sunday 21 February 2010

Murder Weapon

I posted a poll on the blog to get the views of our class and what they thought would make the most convincing weapon. I put a selection of ideas as possible murder weapons as i wasnt sure what would make the murder seem real. The people voting decided that the best weapon would be a knife, we also decided this would be best as it gives us a very visible weapon to show on camera and one that will also allow us to make the murder very detailed with blood to add to the effects.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

The beginning of Filming

After planning all the scripts, props and costumes we finally got to start filming our final piece. We got to spend about an hour or so filming the beginning of are opening scene, we only focused on the first minute of are film as we wanted to make sure we had taken the shot from enough different angles so we could piece together a jumpy and quick shot scene to introduce the horror aspect of the film straight away. We ended up shootong the same person doing his first walk in about 5 different styles to make sure we had got it completly covered the problem was this did take up alot of time. When we got it back to the computer to be edited we deleted alot of work but ended up with about a minute of filming we were very happy with so we will carry on doing in this style to get the best quality film as we could hope for.