Thursday 29 April 2010

Audience Feedback

Here is some feedback that we have had from our audience:

grreesbutt- over all i think there is a good use of camera shots and movement e.g. long shots medium shots tacking and canted angle shots. The things that could be improved could be that when the evil guy slits Matt's throat he should have done it with the sharp edge of the knife instead of the blunt side to give a better sense of verisimilitude (authenticity).

Chris olney- I really liked this film, i felt that the music went well with the scene and also the flickering lights was also really good. If there was one thing that you could improve on would be by using more fake blood as there was only a little bit but other than that, AWESOME!!

Tony- really liked the film, i liked the high angle which shows that the character is vulnerable also it seems like he is being watched by someone.

Tom- nice lads i like it.

Jamie- pretty good, i enjoyed the scene when the lights are flickering and the killer is slowly moving towards Shaun. I thought that the killing scene was good but maybe you should of used a fake knife so that you would be to use the right side of the knife, but still looks good.

Max- good film, not to sure about the end where the killer gently drops Shaun on the film also using the wrong side of the knife, but other than that i think you used good camera shots and movements throughout the film. The music also worked well i thought.

The final outcome of the film could of been improved if we had changed the murder scene as we had to use the wrongside of the knife byt we thought using a real knife was important and a fake knife would of not givin the look we wanted the scene to have. We were very pleased with how people viewed the camera shots we decided to use and how we edited all the shots together.

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