Thursday 29 April 2010

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In the film we made we have two main characters Shaun and the Killer. Shaun is a naughty school child who often finds himself in trouble but as he dies within the first two minutes he doesn't really have a impact on the film and is only used to set the scene for the rest of the movie. The killer doesn't represent a social group but has a much larger influence on the film as he is present throughout the entire feature. We looked at how we could make the killer as scary as possible and changed many of his features throughout the planning but we finally decided to base the killer on the killers from 'The Strangers'. We thought that this would be the best idea as we didn't want to reveal the identity of our killer and 'The Strangers' had the same idea so we added a hood and science lab coat to the killer to hide his facial features. To add to the mystery we make it very dark when he attacks to hide his facial features from his victims and the audience.

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