Thursday 29 April 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Our first piece of filming was a conversation to allow us to experiment with the features of the video camera and the special effects you can add using premier elements

You can see that in the short scene we filmed a conversation between Matt and Chris to get an idea of how different shots can be used to give a different feeling to what is happening on screen. We experimented using over the shoulder shots so the audience could see the reactions and emotions of the characters. It then goes to a mid shot of the two characters so the audience can establish where the conversation is taking place. We emphasised the sound of Matt's phone and used a POV shot so the audience feel they are the character and get emerged in the story. We used continuity editing to show Matt walking threw the door and then a long shot showing where the character is walking to. This was the first time any of us had done anything like this and i believe the editing is very good.


Detainment was our final piece and if you look at it to compare with our first film the conversation you can see that the techniques we used in the first film were re used in the final piece. Continuity editing was very apparent in both of the films when the characters use the doors to enter and exit buildings. The conversation was shot in the same way as well using over the shoulder shots. We have then used a close up of the handle when Matt tries to escape from the room this is also like when Matt answers his phone in the preliminary task. Things such as non diagetic sound were added into the final piece which we didnt have in the preliminary tash which i believe adds alot to the film such as tension.Finally there is a mid shot of Matt just before he attacks the board; this is a good shot because it shows his emotion.

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