Monday 26 April 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

The title of the film - After discussing a selection of film names we decided that 'Detainment' best suited the story line as well as let the audience know what sort of film they could expect. The word detainment suggests being locked in a room or very tight place and that feeling is something that every person is afraid of so we played on this fear giving us the advantage of having the audience scared before they began to watch. Our film is about someone locked in a school room and becomes very worried when they realise they cant escape so detainment does well at summing up the story line.

Setting/location - The scene we decided to use was a old school room in the back of a science block. We had to do the filming inside school as this would allow us to use all the equipment rather than trying to take it all home to use at the weekend. This setting gave us the perfect place to complete the shots we wanted and believe would give us the best finished movie. The location was very old room in an old block so had a very scary interior and exterior which increased the scare factor without us having to create the eerie scenery.

Costumes and props - We spent a long time working out costumes as we wanted to create a believable Mise en scene so the audience would find it believable. To do this we decided Shaun (Matt Davison)the main character wears very typical clothing of a teenager, we see him in some scruffy jeans and a t shirt to make him look like a poorer member of the school who could have possibly done things that have made people very angry with him. In contrast to this we have a teacher (me) in a lab coat to show that he is an authoritative figure who has power over Shaun but we also make him look like more of a comical character by making him wear big glasses. The killer also wears a lab coat which could mean he is a teacher at the school or used it so that no one asks him who he is when entering the school but this uncertainty surrounding the character makes him a scary character. He also wears his hood up to conceal his face from the victims and also the audience so we can hide his identity till the end of the film. The main prop we used a knife with a pipet attached filled with fake blood that we used to make the murder scene look much more realistic.

Camerawork and editing - We decided to use basic shots like over the shoulder shot when Shaun is having a conversation with his teacher, also used is a high angle looking down on Shaun which shows that he is inferior. long shots, mid shots and close ups have been used during the killing scene. We tried lots of different shots so that we could see which one would be the most suitable for our film. With editing, we made sure that there is continuity throughout the film. When it is getting closer to the killing scene, we decided to use short quick cuts between different angles to show that the tension is building and also to make the audience feel uneasy and wanting to see what happens.

Title font and style - The font that we used for the writing during the opening two minutes was bold and black to make it stand out against the background, this was different to the font and style we used for the title 'Detainment', we faded the movie into a black screen and then used red to make the two contrast. We also decided to use red as it has the connotations of blood and danger which gives the film the image that we wanted it to have.

Story and how the opening scene sets it up - The story we decided on is a horror that takes place in a normal secondary school. In the opening two minutes we see a boy going into a detention then after the teacher leaving we see the killer enter the shot from behind him and slit his throat. This allows us to develop the story to show what the killer does next and if the body is discovered or we could go back in time and show the events that lead to the what we see in the first two minutes.

Genre and how the opening scene suggests it - As a group we decided that the best option for us would be to do a horror movie, this was because we felt we could get this genre across to the audience within the first two minutes rather than a comedy where it could be very unclear that we decided to do it as making people laugh is very hard. In the opening scene we used non diagetic sound and fast pace editing to make it clear it was a horror film.

How the characters are introduced - We introduce the first character Shaun by only seeing his feet and then by watching him through someone Else's eyes, this creates mystery around the character as we feel uneasy around him and unsure of his safety. We get introduced to the teacher for a few seconds by having him tell off Shaun for not completing work, this character is only present for one scene. The only other character we see is the killer but we never see his face, he is introduced when the lights are flickering giving the audience a fear of the character.

Special effects - The main special effect we use was a knife to cut Shaun's throat we attached a pepit to the back of it filled with blood so when you squeeze it and give the effect that his neck was actually being cut. We amplified the sound of the board shutter going up as we felt the audience maybe unsure of what was happening so making it louder emphasises what is happening.

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